For many of us moms, this is a busy time of year. Well, really, when isn't, right? In early June kids graduate, summer camps get underway, baseball practices commence, and for some of us who are moms to young ladies - it's DANCE RECITAL SEASON!!


In my case, I have a 4 and a 2 year old. So, this isn't all consuming in terms of full weekends of costume changes, tu-tu turmoil, rehearsals and knowing how exactly how all those other moms get that perfectly shaped ballerina bun.  I know those days may be coming - especially since my girls already love to put on recitals at our house on the daily... Just how many times can one hear "Let It Go?" Gimme another month and I'll tell ya when I crack! 

But despite all the back-stage commotion and shenanigans at the local dance recital, I honestly can say it is one of the biggest highlights of my year with the girls. 

They so look forward to it, which is surprising given their shy nature. There is something about dance that lets them be free, let's them shine and drink in what it means to be present in a big moment. 


And let's face it - those little tu-tu's are just stinkin' adorable.  

Like so many other mom moments, I want to remember them as they are - just that little. It goes so fast.

My husband's grandfather had a vivid memory of seeing his granddaughters at their very first recital, back in the early '80's. The girls were "Dancing French Maids." And of course, some kids twirled to the left, some to the right, some sat down, some looked for mommy in the crowd and some actually did the choreography. Well, the man lived to be 92 and that was a moment he never forgot. 

So, dance moms, it's time to unite. Let's soak up that spinning chaotic beauty and capture it before the curtain closes. 
